
Actualidad · Artículo

¿Qué es la alopecia areata?

¿Qué es la alopecia areata? 

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Agenda · Ferias

Con Valores Fest

Con Valores Fest 

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Agenda · Jornadas

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Jornada Impuesto sobre Sociedades 2023 y Novedades 2024 

El miércoles, 03 de julio de 2024

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Actualidad · Noticia

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Actualidad · Convocatoria

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Agenda · Webinar

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Actualidad · Convocatoria

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Actualidad · Noticia

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es | en   

Double packaging line at Argenta with technology by Innova

Doble Linea Embalaje Argenta Factoria 4

Total automation at Argenta Factory 4 with a double packaging line from Innova



Publicado el jueves, 21 de abril de 2022 a las 11:34

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Doble sistema enfundado Stretch Hood Innova

Doble sistema enfundado Stretch Hood Innova

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Línea Embalaje Cerámico Automatizacion total

Línea Embalaje Cerámico Automatizacion total

Grupo Argenta has expanded its end-of-line at Factoría 4 (Villafamés) with a second packaging installation with Innova Group. The project has also included the relocation of its previous line, installed in 2019 with Innova, to create a centralized, fully connected and automated end-of-line that would respond to its increased production.


With the double packaging line, Grupo Argenta relies once again on Innova as its official packaging supplier, for its reliability and technological performance. Together with this project, the renowned ceramic group has a total of 8 packaging lines with Innova systems.


The double packaging line project

At the Factory 4 packaging station, there are practically no operators. The entire process is automated. The AGVs deposit their loads on one of the two packaging lines, depending on the pallet format, and the packaging process starts: strapping and compacting, stability, protection and shipping label with final weight. Argenta pallets leave the double line station ready to be transported, stored and shipped thousands of miles away.


When Argenta proposed a new line due to the increase in production, Innova designed a project for the two lines to share space and pallet input and output flow. 


The "Argenta signature" packaging line

The new line presents the same combination that Grupo Argenta uses in all its end-of-line due to the achievement of protection results and maximum pallet safety.

  • Inbound conveyor by AGV

The entry to the line is done using a conveyor adapted for AGV access, in the same horizontal strapping machine. The AGV deposits the pallet and communicates with the PLC of the line sending the information of the format to be packed automatically.  

  • Horizontal Strapping System Etherna FH | Pro with Edge Protectors

The first station of the line is always the horizontal strapping, since its purpose is to compact the load just after palletizing and strap it horizontally for its fastening. In addition, this system incorporates the automatic edge protector applicator that adds extra protection to certain ceramic formats. 

  • Ring Wrapper System Etherna AWR | Pro 2

The pallet is then wrapped with the automatic Stretch Wrapper system, which provides support and greater stability by joining the load to the base of the pallet. The type of stretch wrapping and the roping system help to reinforce this union and homogenize Argenta's load. In addition, the new stretch wrapper installed at Factoría 4 includes a high production kit for faster and more efficient stretch wrapping, with less film usage.

  • Stretch Hood System Etherna SH – Pro

Finally, the load is wrapped with the Stretch Hood system that offers the final protection and sealing against external agents and weather conditions during storage and transport. The Stretch Hood installed at Factoría 4 has 2 film reels for greater autonomy and adaptation to all formats. In addition, this model is designed and programmed to offer faster stretch hooding: while the pallet is in the stretch wrapper, the Stretch Hood has already prepared the film so that in a matter of seconds the pallet is already wrapped.

  • Outbound conveyor line

The new packaging line ends with an outbound conveyor with two rotating systems and a weighing station incorporated in the conveyor that communicates in real-time with the labeling machine and prints the final weight of the already packed pallet. This conveyor line takes the pallets to the external logistics station where they are picked up for storage.


Results and future of the packaging project


The new packaging station provides Argenta with a considerable improvement in the packaging process by centralizing it in a single location and fully automating it. The new line is also designed to be more energy efficient with minimal consumption of film,  fewer stops in the packaging flow for reel changes and reducing the plastic of the final packaging, in line with the company's productivity and sustainability goals.


This new line of Factoría 4 is part of a sure commitment of Grupo Argenta to automation and technological advancement in all its factories, of which Innova is proud to be a part. The company has expressed its satisfaction with the project at all levels and its commitment to new joint projects in the future.

For Innova, working again with Argenta is a pleasure, as it is more than a partner and a client with whom we hope to continue working together for many years to come. 

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