
Agenda · Cursos

Junio 2024 | CURSO: Iniciación al diseño e impresión 3D

Junio 2024 | CURSO: Iniciación al diseño e impresión 3D 

El jueves, 13 de junio de 2024

Los asistentes aprenderán, entre otros conocimientos, a plasmar digitalmente y físicamente en 3D cualquier pieza o modelo

¿Cuándo? Entre los meses de junio y julio de 2024¿Dónde? Aula Taller de imagen, edificio Planet | Campus UMH en Altea (Ver ubicación)¿Cómo me inscribo? Inscripciones abiertas a cualquier interesado/a...


Actualidad · Convocatoria

EAUTOM 2024 | Ayudas destinadas al mantenimiento del trabajo autónomo de mujeres en la Comunitat Valenciana

EAUTOM 2024 | Ayudas destinadas al mantenimiento del... 

El plazo de presentación se inicia el 8 de mayo y finalizará el 2 de septiembre de 2024

EAUTOM 2024-Ayudas destinadas al mantenimiento del trabajo autónomo de mujeres en la Comunitat Valenciana. OBJETO Fomentar el emprendimiento a través del programa de apoyo al mantenimiento del...

Actualidad · Noticia

Balanced Scorecard potenciado por inteligencia artificial

Balanced Scorecard potenciado por inteligencia artificial 

Impulsando la ejecución estratégica basada en datos

Mantenerse a la vanguardia requiere una visión estratégica que aproveche eficazmente el poder de los datos. Una herramienta indispensable para las organizaciones que buscan alinear sus estrategias...

Lempert Iberica SL

Actualidad · Convocatoria

Industria convoca la VI edición de los Premios Nacionales Industria Conectada 4.0

Industria convoca la VI edición de los Premios Nacionales... 

El plazo para presentar las candidaturas finaliza el próximo 18 de junio a las 18:00 horas

El Ministerio de Industria y Turismo ha anunciado la convocatoria de la VI Edición de los Premios Nacionales Industria Conectada 4.0. Su propósito es reconocer los esfuerzos de la industria española...

Actualidad · Noticia

La Plataforma impulsa sus reuniones por el territorio para aprender unas asociaciones de otras a través de sus experiencias

La Plataforma impulsa sus reuniones por el territorio para... 

La Plataforma por la Reindustrialización Territorial, se ha reunido para valorar cuestiones comunes a las empresas y territorios que representan

La Plataforma por la Reindustrialización Territorial, integrada por COEVAL (Confederación Empresarial de la Vall d’Albaida), FEDAC (Federación Empresarial de las Comarcas de L’Alcoià y El Comtat) e...

Confederación Empresarial de la Vall d’Albaida (COEVAL)

Agenda · Curso Online

Curso de iniciación de Power BI

Curso de iniciación de Power BI 

El martes, 25 de junio de 2024

Transforma datos en decisiones estratégicas

Power BI es la solución de análisis de negocio de Microsoft que te permite tomar decisiones inteligentes dentro de la empresa. Los datos confirman que las empresas que utilizan herramientas de...


Agenda · Desayunos

Networking CafeCEEI_ mayo

Networking CafeCEEI_ mayo 

El miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2024

Evento organizado por CEEI Castellón y en el que colabora el Ayuntamiento de Castellón, es un espacio donde compartir proyectos, ideas y buena energía

Conjuntamente con el ayuntamiento de Castellón, organizamos mensualmente unos desayunos y networking en los que invitamos a empresas de nuestros viveros para que se presenten y se conozcan y...

Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Castellón (CEEI Castellón)

Agenda · Foros

Comité de organización VI Congreso de Emprendimiento e Innovación Territorial

Comité de organización VI Congreso de Emprendimiento e... 

El martes, 28 de mayo de 2024

Diseño del programa con propuestas de los agentes

El 28 de mayo tendrá lugar de forma online la reunión del Comité Organizador del VI Congreso de Emprendimiento e Innovación Territorial de la Comunidad Valenciana, para el que queremos contar con la...

Red CEEI Comunitat Valenciana

Actualidad · Noticia

Los agentes del ecosistema aprenden a aplicar la IA en sus tareas diarias

Los agentes del ecosistema aprenden a aplicar la IA en sus... 

Ciclo de Inteligencia Artificial para elaborar prompts eficaces, levantar actas, crear ppts y campañas de marketing

Decenas de agentes han asistido hoy a la primera sesión del Ciclo Tareas que se hacen (casi) solas. Herramientas sencillas de IA para simplificar el día a día de los agentes del ecosistema,...

Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Valencia

Actualidad · Noticia

¿Qué son las Normas Armonizadas e ISO y Por Qué son Cruciales para las Empresas?

¿Qué son las Normas Armonizadas e ISO y Por Qué son... 

Explorando el Mundo de las Normas Armonizadas e ISO: Claves para el Éxito Empresarial

En el intrincado escenario del comercio internacional, dos conjuntos de directrices destacan como faros de excelencia y seguridad: las normas armonizadas (Harmonised Standards) e ISO (ISO Standards)....

Imprenta Online

Agenda · Webinar

Sesión: Emprender con apoyo es emprender con éxito

Sesión: Emprender con apoyo es emprender con éxito 

El lunes, 20 de mayo de 2024

Dale un impulso a tu proyecto o empresa

¿Eres emprendedor? ¿Estás pensando en emprender? ¿Tienes un proyecto empresarial al que le falta un impulso?. ¿Eres una empresa de menos de 2 años? ¿Crees que necesitas ayuda para dar el salto?...

Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Castellón (CEEI Castellón)

Agenda · Jornadas

Ciberseguridad fácil: cómo defender a tu empresa de las amenazas informáticas

Ciberseguridad fácil: cómo defender a tu empresa de las... 

El jueves, 16 de mayo de 2024

16 de mayo en Castalla

Jornada Ciberseguridad fácil: cómo defender a tu empresa de las amenazas informáticas. Con el objetivo de conocer cómo defender a tu empresa de las amenazas informáticas. PROGRAMA 1. ¿Qué está...

Asociación de Empresarios de IBI (IBIAE)

"We all need to think and design solutions to lower the environmental impact"

ezio pellegro

Kuma Energy (KE) is an Italian start-up that develops projects to generate electricity from ocean waves with the lowest impact on the environment.

Blue Deal - CEEI Valencia

Blue Deal - CEEI Valencia

Publicado el jueves, 18 de marzo de 2021 a las 11:26

In this interview, Ezio Pellegro, the Strategy and Management Advisor of KE talks about his company, the situation of blue energy in the Mediterranean and future of renewable energies.

Ezio has a long-term experience as executive in multinational organizations in the Hi-tech and Information Technology sectors. Also he's been working as Strategic Advisor for start-ups up SME’s helping define business models and plans, optimize business operations and accelerate the business growth. 

An impressive career path now focused on energy efficiency solutions at KE. 

But let’s start by the beginning, Why did you decide to set up a company so specialized in this sector? 

The Team is made of people who bring along a thorough and exhaustive range of skills: port and offshore services, business management, marine and civil engineering, consulting. Some of us used to cooperate with research centres and universities in designing near-to-shore or offshore wave conversion prototypes. It's been easy to share the idea to create Kuma Energy and to join together into a new business project.

Tell us more about Kuma Energy. What do you do? What are your products or services?

Kuma Energy designs and manufactures onshore wave energy converters (WEC). Its mission is to develop technologies for a sustainable transition to renewable sources. We believe that sustainability is a key factor not only for technical and financial reasons but as a comprehensive approach intended to reduce the impact on the environment, preserving the marine ecosystems and restoring the ocean health.

What is your innovative factor that makes you different from other companies?

Our main goal is to develop low-impact onshore systems. The ECOMar system is designed to be installed onto existing breakwaters, dams or quays. No need for new infrastructures, mooring systems, submarine cables, underwater activities or seabed digging. 

Of course we target a proper LCOE but we want to focus on lowering the operating costs as well as Capex and Opex. ECOMar is controlled and operated by an automation system that in case of severe weather conditions overturns the whole system back to the top of the quay.  

The same feature is used for maintenance operations, and people can work safely, in secure and cost-effective conditions.


Marine renewable energies are beginning to develop now and will create many jobs in a short future. What is the profile in demand for this sector? What qualities do you think workers should have to create a good team?

The marine renewable energy is supposed to be accessible and at hand. But, as for any renewable and clean source, many are the difficulties and the side-effects. In the blue sector, as well as in the green sector at large, we need not only face technical issues, like efficiency or intermittency. 

We need to plan a sustainable development of renewables, that includes economic and social issues. It is not surprising that renewables are considered as a solution until someone realizes that there can be conflicts with other activities (fishing, shipping, tourism etc) or, even worse, when considering the strong impacts that marine exploitation can have on the environment. 

The Mediterranean is a weak, fragile basin and we need to respect and preserve the marine life, the ecosystems, but also the coastal beauty. Public acceptance is often limited by the "nimby" syndrome that represents a strong barrier to the development of renewables. That's a fact and can't be neglected.

Marine energy exploitation should not be a technical matter only but a cultural approach, an open mindset, aimed at preserving the coastlines, the marine surface and the submarine environment. Vision, management skills, open-mindedness are important qualities just like engineering and technical skills.

Why do you think is it necessary to invest in marine renewable energy?

We need to use the word "exploiting" wisely. The terms "renewable" and "clean" cannot be used improperly or superficially or as a master key for altering the coastline, the marine surface or the submarine ecosystems. 

We need to rethink our approach in order to design solutions that respect the environment and not merely use it. Our job is to have such an ambition and try, at least.

The ocean has an enormous energy that can turn to be an incredible opportunity to meet the need for electricity. But that energy is not to be cynically exploited. 

We should think about gentle, non-invasive forms of transforming that energy into something useful not only for us but possibly for marine protection and environmental scopes. That's why it is important to invest in marine energy and in sustainable and respectful ways of using it.

We do not want to install our systems inside a marine park or a reserve or wherever. Our duty is to try to use the existing and available infrastructures, so we designed our systems as to having no need for pouring concrete or digging the seabed or building brand new moorings. 

Whatever the renewable source, we all need to think and design solutions to lower the environmental impact. That's our duty and our heritage to future generations. Our idea is not only to provide a reliable and efficient energy conversion technology but also designing an easy-to-operate, safe and secure platform


How do you see the world of renewable energy today? What do you think the sector needs to take off and increase investments in this area? How can its use and development be promoted?

The history of marine energy has showed that the process towards the commercial phase needs big investments and it is time-consuming. We all know that renewables are unpredictable and conversion technologies have not been so efficient so far. As for blue energy, the marine environment is harsh and often hostile and dangerous, so R&D and operational costs can easily skyrocket. 

Anyway, there is so much blue energy that innovative conversion technologies could provide a large amount of our energy needs. We need to find a way but any of us can't go ahead on its own. There is so much at stake beyond making a successful business. 

Renewable energy will have success if it will be seen as a strategic and collective target. The cooperation among research centres, universities, government and business is mandatory in order to tackle such challenges. Research, technological transfer, financial support and a strong social and environmental policy are the keywords to the success of the blue economy. Kuma Energy is Italian and European: the countries within the European Union must make a choice on what the future of our energy provision will be and foster research, promote and sustain the best innovative businesses and plan a wider and integrated development for renewables to become a future strategic asset and a competitive advantage for the Union. 


Do you think we could maintain our current lifestyle alone with renewable energy?

This is a really complex question to answer. I think that renewable energy is vital but intermittency and low efficiency are still important issues as well as competitiveness of production costs. 

There is a lot of work to be done on innovative conversion technologies. With the increase of the energy demand I think that we still need to find a fair balance between renewable sources and traditional sources. 

Nonetheless we need to proceed with determination towards alternative and clean energy sources. There are political and organizational matters that are as important as technological innovation in order to design and plan a sustainable transition to clean energy, whatever sources will be. 

While we are bound to develop new, clean energy technologies, we need to rethink our behaviors and lifestyles, targeting how to use our resources better and more efficiently. This process should include politics, organization, business models, strategy and technology. 

We should not be focused on producing more energy, we should focus on how to optimize our resource consumption and invest as much as we can in developing sustainable and environment-friendly technologies.

It is not just a romantic daydream; it can become a competitive advantage for our society.


How do you see the future of renewables? If you could paint an ideal situation in a few years, what would it be like?

The future of renewables is our future. I can't say how it will look like. It strongly depends on us. I hope that when we think about renewable sources, we mean a sustainable way of life, well-being for the humans but also for the whole planet. 

Otherwise, what do we mean by "clean" or "blue" or "green"? If we will turn the word "exploit", that we used for decades for any resources, to something more fair and environmental friendly, then the future of our planet is safe.

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